Human Rights Policy Lab

The lab offers students the opportunity to engage in non-litigation strategies and collaborate with state, national, and international human rights organizations on legislative and rule-making proposals, policy matters, research papers, and amicus briefs. Topics may include immigrant rights, trafficking, domestic workers, gender violence, police and prison reform, U.S. obligations under the Convention Against Torture, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with regard to specific local issues, and various other human rights treaty obligations and compliance. Students work with organizations currently seeking to reframe domestic issues as human rights issues, and engage in various law-related campaigns aimed at addressing economic, social, and cultural human rights violations.

Recent Research & Reports

The Art of Guatánamo: “This Art Belongs to the Artists”
Cruel, Inhuman, & Degrading: A Comparative Analysis of Solitary Confinement Using the United Nations
Nelson Mandela Rules
“Guantánamo Two”: Upholding the Rights of Resettled Former Detainees
Solitary Confinement: From its Origins to Reparations for its Survivors
Bringing Human Rights Home: Rights to Reparations and Repair for CIA Extraordinary Rendition Survivors
Asylum Law in the Fourth Circuit: Administrative Law Issues and Particular Social Group Designations
Communication Addressing North Carolina’s Role in the CIA’s Extraordinary Rendition and Torture Program and Request for Coordinated Measures Including State Visit, Investigations, and International Condemnation
Report on Reparations for Victims of Extraordinary Rendition and Torture
Guide for Experts in Asylum Cases (and those considering becoming experts) and Best Practices for Attorneys who Work With Them
Extraordinary Rendition and Torture Victim Narratives
Understanding Accountability for Torture: The Domestic Enforcement of International Human Rights Treaties
The Human Rights of Mexican Migrants – A Case Study on the United States, Canada, & Spain
Assessing Recent Developments: Achieving Accountability for Torture
A Basic Human Right: Meaningful Access to Legal Representation
Briefing Book, Building Integrated Communities Through Language Rights
Brief on behalf of Abou Elkassim Britel
Solitary Confinement as Torture
Visa Denied: The Political Geography of the U Visa: Eligibility as a Matter of Locale
Obligations and Obstacles: Holding North Carolina Accountable for Extraordinary Rendition and Torture
Picking Empty Pockets
A Call to Uphold The Core Principles of Responsibility and Protection of Human Rights: Extraordinary Rendition, Torture, and North Carolina
Wage Theft and U Visas: A Guide to Analyzing Federal and State Crimes Relevant for Undocumented Workers
A Legal Advocacy Guide to Building Integrated Communities in North Carolina
The North Carolina Connection to Extraordinary Rendition and Torture
Analyzing the Problems with Foreign Language Interpretation in the North Carolina Court System and Potential Solutions.
UNC Immigration/Human Rights Policy Clinic Releases New Study That Finds Dramatic Problems with the 287(g) Immigration Program
Reply to U.S. Response to Specific Recommendations Identified By the CERD: The Rise of Racial Profiling, Discrimination and Abuse in Immigrant Communities as a Result of Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws
Interrogation & Detention Reform Act of 2008: A Critical Analysis
Dangerous Detention: Human Rights Standards & Enforcement in Immigration Detention
UN Oversight Committee (ICCPR) on Protecting the Rights of Domestic Workers in the United States Interrogation & Detention Reform Act of 2008: A Critical Analysis
The Cost of ICE’s Policies and Practices