Student Health and Well-Being
A healthy, balanced lifestyle is often challenging to maintain during law school, but it is imperative for law students to develop healthy habits in law school in areas such as stress management, physical health, and maintaining a healthy balance between law school and life outside of law school.
About Our Embedded Counselor

Tora Taylor-Glover is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and is UNC School of Law’s inaugural counselor within the embedded counseling program at UNC’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The CAPS embedded counselor program places counselors within a host academic department, allowing the counselors to learn the unique culture of the program and tailor services to meet the specific needs of the students.
Available services include an initial assessment of needs, individualized treatment planning for reported concerns, initiating engagement in brief therapy, connection to group therapy services, medication management, and referral coordination. Services are offered both in-person and telehealth. Flexible hours are available. For crisis or 24/7 support, call UNC CAPS at 919-966-3658 or call/text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
To schedule an appointment with our embedded counselor, Tora Taylor-Glover, email her at
Embedded Counseling FAQ
Campus Health Services
Campus Health Services has been charged with providing ambulatory primary medical care, mental health services and wellness programs along with selected specialty services including obstetrics/gynecology, orthopedics, and dermatology to the eligible Campus Community. Those eligible for services include regularly enrolled students progressing toward a degree, spouses of enrolled students, postdoctoral fellows and spouses, former patients not currently enrolled but expected to return in the immediate future, and selected non-student patients seeking specialized CHS services.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS is committed to addressing the mental health needs of a diverse student body through timely access to consultation and connection to clinically appropriate services. CAPS offers psychological and counseling services including:
- Individual
- Couples
- Group therapy
- Urgent consultation and crisis intervention
- Medication evaluation/management
Wellness services provide education and health promotion programs in the areas of:
- Fitness and nutrition
- Academic success
- Alcohol and substance use
- Stress management
- Sexual health
- Relationships
- Sleep
- Veteran Health
- Body image and eating disorders
- Grief and loss
- Medical conditions
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Suicide Prevention
If you are having a psychological crisis after hours, on a weekend, or university holiday, call 919-966-3658.
Heels Care Network
The Heels Care Network is the online home for mental health care at Carolina. Users can filter through nearly 150 resources to find the ones that best meet their needs.
The site also includes:
- Strategies for helping someone in distress
- A mechanism for families or friends to notify Carolina when a student is struggling and could benefit from additional outreach
- Ways to get involved in mental health promotion efforts on campus
Basic Needs
Basic needs refers to the essential goods, utilities, services, or resources required on a regular basis that are needed to achieve and maintain physical and mental well-being. UNC offers basic needs assistance for students facing challenges with food security, housing security, and financial security. All Carolina students – including law students – are eligible for Basic Needs resources and services. For support through UNC, students can go to Law students may also reach out to the Student Development Office for confidential assistance.
SAFE@UNC is a portal for everyone in the Carolina community looking for information and resources about discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence and stalking.
BarCARES (NC Bar Association)
BarCARES is a confidential, short-term intervention program provided cost-free to law students at UNC School of Law. The program is there to help you by providing confidential assistance and brief, solution-oriented counseling. BarCARES is designed to offer no-cost assistance in dealing with problems that might be causing distress and can be used to help with:
- Personal Issues: crisis intervention, depression/anxiety, substance abuse (drug or alcohol) and financial concerns
- Family Issues: marriage/relationships, children/adolescents, parenting/family conflict
- Work Issues: professional stressors, case-related stress and conflict resolution
- Student coaching onstress/time management, etc.
Only you, your counselor and anyone you choose to tell will know if you use the BarCARES program. The counselors are licensed professionals, bound by the confidentiality requirements of their profession.
Although the North Carolina Bar Association, local bar groups and law schools provide funding for the BarCARES program and monitor its overall operation, they have no access to the names or other identifying information of any program user.
To learn more or to schedule a visit, call either 919.929.1227 or 1.800.640.0735 and ask to speak with the BarCARES Coordinator, or visit
NC LAP (NC Lawyer Assistance Program)
NC LAP is a service of the North Carolina State Bar which provides free, confidential assistance to lawyers, judges and law students in addressing mental health issues, including problems with drugs or alcohol, and other life stresses which impair or may impair an attorney’s ability to effectively practice law.
Includes assistance with:
- Anxiety, stress, burnout and balance
- Depression and suicide
- Anger management
- Compassion fatigue
- Alcohol or drug problems
- Process addictions (food, gambling, etc.)
- Grief and loss
- Over-Functioning
Please call 919.719.9267 for further information or assistance.
Accessibility Resources & Service
The goals of the Department of Accessibility Resources & Service is to assure that all programs and facilities of the University are accessible to all persons in the University community and to develop programs and services that permit students to, as independently as possible, meet the demands of University life.
All disabilities are medical conditions, but not all medical conditions are disabilities. To be eligible for services, students must provide documentation that provides information about a substantial limitation to one or more major life activities, specifically as it applies to meeting the demands of University life, in and/or out of the classroom.
Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation provides a diverse and intentional recreational program in a safe, inclusive, and accessible environment which enhances the social mental and physical well-being of the entire University community.
UNC and Town of Chapel Hill Safety
The UNC Police unit is an accredited agency dedicated to the welfare of the university community. Its staff members provide guidance on parking, transportation, special events and other police services.
A list of safety programs and tips can be found on the following websites:
- Safe@UNC
- Alert Carolina
- Town of Chapel Hill Alert Carolina
Sign up for Alert Carolina – update your cell number so the university can reach you in an emergency.
Please know the increased number of alerts sent by Alert Carolina is intended to make the campus community more aware and informed about criminal activity.
Helpful Phone Numbers
Emergency or life-threatening situation, Dial 911
- David Wright, Assistant Dean of Student Development: 919.843.9076
- UNC School of Law Front Desk: 919.962.5106
- Kathrine R. Everett Law Library: 919.962.1321
- UNC Main Campus Dean of Students Office: 919.966.4042
- UNC Police/Public Safety (non-emergency): 919.962.8100
- Chapel Hill Police: 919.968.2760
- Campus Health Services: 919.966.2281
- Counseling and Wellness Services (CWS): 919.966.3658
- Compass Center for Women and Families: 919.968.4610
- Orange County Rape Crisis Center (OCRCC business line): 919.968.4647
- OCRCC 24 Hour Crisis Line: 919.967.7273 or text 919.504.5211