Summer Session

Front of law school

Carolina Law’s Summer Session typically begins soon after May Commencement, lasts six weeks, and offers various courses for students from UNC and other law schools. Students may enroll in a maximum of 6 credits. In 2025, between May 12 and June 20, students can earn between 2 and 4 credits in the courses listed below. Please note that:

  • Students may enroll in no more than 6 credits.
  • Each summer 2025 course counts as Distance Education (D) because over a third of the instruction is remote. Students may count a maximum of 28 D credits toward the J.D. It’s nearly impossible to exceed that limit because UNC Law offers very few D courses during semesters.
  • Synchronous instruction requires class attendance at specific times and permits real-time student-faculty interactions. By contrast, asynchronous instruction does not; instead, students can access course materials and complete modules or assignments any time within deadlines, and they can schedule real-time interaction with faculty as needed. Asynchronous instruction thus gives students enhanced flexibility to learn at their own pace.
  • Five courses are Experiential (Exp’l). Each student must earn at least 6 Experiential credits.
  • Rigorous Writing Experience (RWE). Each student must earn at least 4 RWE credits.
  • Externship is “not regularly scheduled” (NRS), meaning much instruction occurs on-site rather than in classes. It does not count toward the 65 credits (30 from required 1L courses) a student must earn in regularly scheduled UNC Law courses.

Currently enrolled students can find more details on My Carolina Law at

Two Credit Courses

Advanced Legal Research
Advanced Legal Writing: Summer Lab
Judicial Clerkship Writing
Professional Responsibility
Electronic Discovery Technologies

Three Credit Course


Four Credit Course



Registration for the 2025 summer session will open mid-March and close in mid-May. Late registration may include a fee. All Carolina Law and visiting students must register by and attend classes the first week of summer session. If you have questions about registration, please contact the Carolina Law Registrar’s Office by email at

Tuition and Fees

Summer 2024 tuition and fee rates were:  Resident $661.23/credit;  Non-Resident $1677.45/credit. Summer 2025 tuition/fee rates will be posted once finalized in March.

Tuition may be paid online via ConnectCarolina or by mail to University Cashier, Suite 2215 SASB North, CB #1400, 450 Ridge Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1400.

Visiting Students Summer Session Registration

Students from law schools other than Carolina Law may register for summer session. A residency determination establishes if students should have in-state or out-of-state tuition. Apply for residency.

The registration form and a letter of good standing should be received in late April to be considered for early registration. Visiting students who do not complete registration by early May may be required to pre-pay tuition/fees or provide proof of financial aid prior to registration.

Visiting students should complete the online registration form and submit a letter of good standing from your Registrar or Academic Dean to: