As part of its mission to advance the teaching of banking and finance, the Center for Banking and Finance offers professional development and enrichment programs for law students interested in careers in these industries as well.
North Carolina Banking Institute Journal
Each year 13-15 students are selected for the staff of the North Carolina Banking Institute journal, which publishes student notes and comments and solicits articles from banking industry professionals. Ten 3Ls are selected each year from the 2L staff members to serve as journal editors. The journal is published in conjunction with an annual continuing legal education program on banking law, the Banking Institute, which attracts nationally prominent speakers. Staff and editors work closely with the journal’s faculty advisor, Professor Lissa Broome. Journal students attend The Banking Institute (with lodging provided by the Center) and discuss their journal notes.
Staff members receive advice on their journal notes from members of the Ccenter’s board of advisors and interact with board members at the Banking Institute. The editor-in-chief and the institute editor serve as ex officio members of the Ccenter’s board of advisors for the year they are in office and the year following law school graduation. They attend the board’s two meetings each year. Editors on the journal also receive scholarships.
The Banking Institute The Banking Institute is a two-day continuing legal education program for bankers and their lawyers. Student attendees have an opportunity to interact with bank counsel, private practitioners, regulators, and nationally recognized speakers in the industry.
Most of the center’s programs are open to law students to attend free of charge.
Career Development
Career Trek Students visit a law firm and sometimes also an in-house bank legal department to learn more about life as a practicing attorney and the career paths of the attorney participants exposure to career options and the legal workplace.
Dinner and Discussion Forum A small group of 1Ls and corporate and transactional attorneys meet in January to discuss career options in corporate and transactional practice areas. Students are exposed to how firms structure their practice groups. This relaxed setting offers students a chance to ask all their questions.
Other Enrichment Opportunities
Practitioners in Residence A handful of practitioners are invited to join Professor Broome’s Banking Law and Secured Transactions classes to answer questions about their careers and areas of expertise. Recent speakers have talked about the Volcker Rule, derivatives, bank supervision and enforcement, FDIC deposit insurance and fund finance resolution.
Research Assistants
The Center hires one or two research assistants to provide support to her and the Center for Banking and Finance during the summer and the school year. Other law faculty teaching and researching in related areas also hire research assistants in the summer and during the school year. Rising 2Ls should consider this potential summer employment opportunity. Students may work part-time (15-hours per week) or full-time (defined as 30-hours per week) for half the summer or a full summer. During the school year, students work 5 to 10 hours per week.