The University of North Carolina School of Law Career Development Office is happy to tailor a recruitment option to help you find current students, new graduates or more experienced alumni. We offer on-campus interviews, off-campus interview programs and free job bank postings to best meet your recruiting needs.
Job Bank Postings (No Fee)
Job opportunities are posted online, and students respond directly to the employer. If the employer would like to receive application materials as a group, job postings can be set up so applications are accumulated online and then emailed to the employer as a bundle when the posting expires. Regardless of size or employer type, all job bank postings are free.
On-Campus Interviews (OCI)
UNC hosts OCIs twice per year, fall for 2Ls and 3Ls, and spring for all class years. We provide three recruiting options
- In-Person Interviews
- Virtual Interviews
- Resume Collections
OCI Registration Fees
All OCI fees go to support our Public Interest Summer Grant program, which provides students with funding to support their work as summer volunteers with legal services providers, non-profit advocacy groups and federal, state and local government agencies. View the schedule of OCI fees.
Engagement Opportunities
UNC School of Law provides many opportunities to start and continue the conversation with our students. From professional development programming to employer hosted coffee houses and lunch-n-learns to receptions tied to the recruiting seasons, we are happy to help you plan an engagement strategy to enhance your recruiting efforts.