Visiting Student Applicants

Carolina Law accepts visiting students for full time study only (at least nine credit hours) and applications are available around the beginning of May each year with a July 15 deadline.

A student currently enrolled at another law school and entering their last year (you are not allowed to visit as a 1L or 2L student), may apply as a visiting student (non-degree candidate) for the fall and/or spring term by submitting the following:

  • Application form. Complete the entire LSAC application online. Submitting the application electronically means you have agreed to all the agreements in the directions and on the last page of the application. Submitting it electronically serves as the signature on the honor system page.
  • Application fee. Your nonrefundable application fee of $75 must be submitted by credit card through LSAC.
  • CAS report indicating all law schools attended.
  • Letter of good standing from your current law school
  • Official transcript reflecting law courses completed and grades received from all law schools attended.
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation
  • Statement of the reason for visiting. This is your opportunity to share why you are interested in visiting Carolina Law. The statement should be double-spaced and in no less than 10-point type. Please limit your response to 1-3 pages.
  • Resume. The resume may be up to three pages.
  • Supplemental application. Once all required application and CAS report materials are processed, you will receive an email inviting you to complete your supplemental application. Your residency for tuition purposes determination is based upon responses gathered in your supplemental application. Once your supplemental application is processed, your law school application is complete and eligible for review.