Schedule a Visit
We love welcoming prospective students to Carolina Law for a visit. During the fall (mid-September through mid-November) and spring (mid-January through mid-April) semesters, visitors have the opportunity to attend an admissions session led by an admissions team member; tour the building with current students; and possibly observe a first-year law class (space is limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis).
For Spring 2025, in-person visits will be offered on Mondays (for Admitted Students ONLY), Wednesdays, and Thursdays. On Mondays, in-person visits will be for Admitted Students ONLY and will begin at 10:00am with a class observation followed by a tour of the law school building given by current students. On Wednesdays, in-person visits (open to all) will begin at 9:30am with the admissions session immediately followed by a class observation (for those registered) and ending with a tour of the law school building given by current students. Visits will conclude around 1:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Thursdays, in-person visits (open to all) will begin at 11:00am with the admissions session immediately followed by a tour of the law school building given by current students. For visitors not registered for a class observation on Thursdays, their visit will conclude around 1:00pm. For those visitors registered for a class observation, their visit will conclude at 2:15pm.
**Monday In-Person Visits for Admitted Students Only – Registration**
Class observation registration is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to space limitations, only prospective students will be permitted to observe a class. Guests, however, are invited to participate in all other aspects of the visit.
Self-guided tours are the primary means of seeing the school from late April into early September, or on weekdays when the building is open but scheduled visits are not available. However, a member of the admissions team is happy to meet with you during this time to answer any questions about Carolina Law, the admissions process, or law school in general. Please let us know when you plan to stop by so we can welcome you accordingly.
You must provide at least two business days’ notice when scheduling your in-person visit.
Map and Directions
For Google Maps, use the law school’s street address of 160 Ridge Road in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Parking is available in either of the two nearby visitor pay lots (see maps.unc.edu/parking/visitor/). Both are located within a five-to-ten-minute walk of the law school. Do NOT park in the visitor spaces next to the law school building. If you do, it is possible you might receive a ticket. Walking instructions from both lots are below.
Rams Head Parking Deck, located on Ridge Road
Coming from the side of Rams Head facing Ridge Road, take a left, walking towards the law school. You will soon see the circular drive leading to the law school building. This is the law school’s main entrance.
The Hwy 54/Raleigh Road Visitor Parking Lot
From the lot, walk towards campus on Raleigh Road, then take a left onto Country Club Road. From Country Club, take the first right onto Ridge Road, and you will soon see the circular drive leading to the law school building. This is the law school’s main entrance.
The Admissions Office often travels across the country to meet with students who are interested in attending UNC School of Law. Each year, we attend numerous recruiting events from New York to California, Minnesota to Texas, and of course all over North Carolina.
If you are unable to visit us on the road, we encourage you to visit us here in Chapel Hill. You can schedule a visit here. Please call us at 919.962.5109 or email us at law_admissions@unc.edu with any questions you may have about Carolina Law.