Charlotte Carolina Law Alumni and Students Reception

Moore & Van Allen Charlotte

Register by Friday May 24, 2024   Please join Dean Martin H. Brinkley '92 for an alumni reception in Charlotte with current students working in the Charlotte area this summer and admitted students for fall 2024. Join fellow alumni, meet current students and admitted students, and learn about the exciting things happening in the halls of Van ...

Raleigh Carolina Law Alumni and Students Reception

K&L Gates LLP 301 Hillsborough St, Suite 1200, Raleigh

Register by Tuesday, May 31, 2024   Please join Dean Martin H. Brinkley '92 for an alumni reception in Raleigh with current students working in the Triangle area this summer and admitted students for fall 2024. Join fellow alumni, meet current students and admitted students, and learn about the exciting things happening in the halls of Van ...

Washington, D.C. Carolina Law Alumni and Students Reception

The Metropolitan Club of the City of Washington 1700 H ST. NW, Washington, D.C.

Register by Friday, May 31, 2024 Please join us for an alumni reception in Washington, D.C. with current students working in the capital area this summer and admitted students for fall 2024. Join fellow alumni, meet current students and admitted students, and learn about the exciting things happening in the halls of Van Hecke-Wettach. We ...

How Our Bankruptcy System Makes America More Unequal | Unjust Debts | Lunch and Learn with Melissa B. Jacoby

Dilworth Neighborhood Grille 911 E. Morehead St., Charlotte

Please join us for a free lunch and learn as the Carolina Law community celebrates the release of Graham Kenan Professor of Law Melissa B. Jacoby’s new book, Unjust Debts | How Our Bankruptcy System Makes America More Unequal. The bankruptcy system exists to cancel or restructure debts for people and companies that have way too ...

Carolina Law Alumni Reception at the NCBA Annual Meeting

Charlotte Convention Center 501 S College St., Charlotte

Please join Carolina Law alumni and friends for a reception at the North Carolina Bar Association annual meeting in Charlotte.   Enjoy appetizers and drinks while catching up with your Carolina Law community!  You do not need to attend the NCBA meeting to attend this event.  Questions about this event? Please contact Kelly Mann Rose, assistant ...

North Carolina Law Review Symposium

Kathrine R. Everett Law Library

North Carolina Law Review Symposium: Justice in the Age of Criminal Records This symposium will examine the role of criminal records in American criminal justice.  Criminal records are not a formal part of a criminal sentence, but they trigger a host of quasi-punitive consequences.  These penalties can attach to arrest as well as conviction.  This ...

Dan K. Moore Program in Ethics

Generative AI for Corporate Attorneys This four-hour online CLE will feature experienced practitioners, in-house counsel, thought leaders, and scholars discussing the ethical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in a business and transactional practice. Program sessions include: An introduction to generative artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and others Use of generative AI in a transactional ...

Law Alumni Weekend

The UNC Law Alumni Association invites all Carolina Law alumni back to Chapel Hill on November 15-17, 2024, for Law Alumni Weekend. Bring your family, friends and encourage fellow classmates to come back to Chapel Hill for THE ONLY event that brings together all alumni, students, faculty and staff for a fall weekend of activities for all ages ...

Carolina Law Festival of Legal Learning

Carolina Club

Join Carolina Law alumni and students for a day of legal education and receive six hours of CLE credits, with sessions instructed by members of our community. Stay and enjoy a reception following the CLE sessions with Carolina Law alumni and students. CLE sessions include: Climate and the Insurance-Resilience Link: North Carolina Hits the National ...