Cornerstone Gathering

Van Hecke-Wettach Hall 160 Ridge Road, CB #3380, Chapel Hill

Explore the UNC School of Law Cornerstone Club at this invitation-only Cornerstone Gathering!

Appetizers at The Ackland

Ackland Art Museum 101 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill

Join UNC School of Law for appetizers and private access to Chapel Hill's prestigious Ackland Art Museum. This invitation-only event is held in appreciation of leadership donors who give $1,000 or more annually to Carolina Law and whose financial support is critical to the continued success of the law school.

Spring break

Spring break

Classes resume

Classes resume  

Information Warfare in the Russian-Ukraine Conflict

This moderated panel will explore the information war underway in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  In addition to discussing the many challenges facing journalists covering the conflict, the panelists will explore how social media has changed information warfare and impacted intelligence gathering and analysis, evaluate how social media platforms and journalists handle mis- and disinformation, and offer ...

Admitted Students Day

Hosted by the Office of Admissions. Admitted students, check your email! For more info

CPILO Auction & Benefit

Carolina Public Interest Law Organization invites the law school community to its annual Auction & Benefit. All proceeds from the event go directly to fund UNC law students accepting full-time, unpaid public interest law positions for the summer. The Story Venue, 450 W Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516