Other Experiential Education Opportunities

Students in Courtroom

Your years at Carolina Law will take you far beyond the books.

In addition to academic opportunities like clinics and externships and volunteer opportunities through the Pro Bono Program, we offer numerous other curricular and extracurricular experiential education opportunities, including simulation classes and options to engage in mock trial, moot court, and dispute resolution competition programs. Through these offerings, students can gain the practical experience they need for a successful legal career. 

Mock Trial Team

The Broun National Trial Team (BNTT) provides students with an unparalleled opportunity to develop and showcase their trial advocacy skills. Trained BNTT members compete annually in several of the most competitive and well-recognized mock trial tournaments across the country. At these tournaments, teams of students simulate jury trials by presenting each side of a civil or criminal case against teams from other schools. They’ll argue motions, examine witnesses, and deliver opening and closing statements before panels of practicing judges and trial attorneys who provide feedback after each round of competition. To make sure students feel prepared for competition, they receive priority access to popular courses like Evidence and Trial Advocacy. They also receive direct faculty supervision in the Trial Advocacy Competition Lab.  

Moot Court Teams

Students who are on one of our moot court teams draft briefs and present oral arguments before federal and state justices and judges as part of local, regional and national competitions. Our students bring home trophies and medals at every level, attesting to the skills they have developed in some of the most difficult challenges in the country. Moot court members receive priority access to popular courses like Appellate Advocacy to help them feel prepared for their competitions. They also receive direct faculty supervision in the Appellate Advocacy Competition Lab. As a 3L, students may also participate in an annual friendly moot court competition with barristers-in-training from the Middle Temple Society in London. 

Dispute Resolution Teams

Members of our dispute resolution teams learn to engage in client interviews and out-of-court negotiations. Our students travel to compete in national competitions against law students from around the country. To make sure they are prepared for competition, students on these teams receive priority access to popular courses like Lawyering Communication and Negotiation Skills. They also receive direct faculty supervision in the Dispute Resolution Competition Lab. 

Simulation Courses

Carolina Law offers upper-level courses that give second- and third-year students the unique opportunity to explore topics more deeply and apply what they’ve learned to real-world problems. These dynamic courses covering a broad range of legal topics including labor law, intellectual property, biotechnology and human rights, require students to play the role of lawyer and defend their clients’ interests in ways traditional courses do not. Examples include: 

  • Appellate Advocacy 
  • Business Planning 
  • Contract Drafting 
  • Deposition Skills 
  • Environmental Law Practice and Policy 
  • Family Law Practice 
  • Human Rights Policy Lab 
  • Prosecutor Practicum 
  • Supreme Court Program 
  • Trial Advocacy 
  • Writing for Practice