Joan H Krause
Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor of Law

Areas of Expertise
- Criminal Justice Policy
- Criminal Justice Politics
- Criminal Law
- Feminist Legal Theory
- Food and Drug Law
- Gender and the Law
- Health Law and Policy
- Medical Jurisprudence
- Women and the Law
Joan Krause joined the Carolina Law faculty in 2009 and serves as the Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor of Law. She previously served as Associate Dean for Faculty Development. She holds secondary appointments as a Professor in the Department of Social Medicine at the UNC School of Medicine and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Her teaching and research interests include health law, criminal law, and women and the law. Krause is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on health care fraud and abuse, health care organization and regulation, bioethics, pharmaceutical regulation, and criminal issues affecting women. She is the co-author of HEALTH LAW AND BIOETHICS: CASES IN CONTEXT (2009) and PRACTICING BIOETHICS LAW (2d. ed. 2021). In 2017, she received the Robert G. Byrd Award for Excellence and Creativity in Teaching.
Krause attended Yale University and Stanford Law School, where she was elected to the Order of the Coif and served as Senior Articles Editor for the Stanford Law & Policy Review. Before attending law school, Krause worked as a medical writer/editor. After law school, Krause clerked for Judge Dorothy W. Nelson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and practiced law at Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. in Washington, D.C. She taught for several years on the faculty of Loyola University Chicago School of Law and the University of Houston Law Center, where she was the George Butler Research Professor of Law and served as Co-Director of the University of Houston Health Law & Policy Institute.
- B.A. (Honors, summa cum laude), Political Science, Yale University
- J.D. (Order of the Coif), Stanford University
Selected Publications
PRACTICING BIOETHICS LAW (with L. Griffin) (2d ed., Foundation Press, 2021).
KF3821 .G75 2021
Fraud and Abuse Law in the United States, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPARATIVE HEALTH LAW (T. Hervey & D. Orentlicher eds., 2020).
K3570 .O94 2021
Reflections on Certification, Interpretation, and the Quest for Fraud that Counts Under the False Claims Act, 2017 U. ILL. L. REV. 1811 (2017).
Westlaw | Lexis/Nexis | SSRN | Hein | BEPress
Truth, Falsity and Fraud: Off-Label Drug Settlements and the Future of the Civil False Claims Act, 71 FOOD & DRUG L.J. 401 (2016).
Westlaw | Lexis/Nexis | SSRN | Hein
Integration, Fragmentation, and Human Nature: The Role of Fraud and Abuse Laws in a Changing Healthcare System, in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF U.S. HEALTH LAW, OXFORD HANDBOOKS ONLINE (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Document Link | KF3821 .O98 2017
Off-Label Drug Promotion and the Ephemeral Line Between Marketing and Education, 2 J. L. & BIOSCI. 705 (2015).
Westlaw | SSRN | Hein | BEPress | Document Link
Skilling and the Pursuit of Healthcare Fraud, 66 U. MIAMI L. REV. 363 (2012).
Westlaw | Lexis/Nexis | SSRN | Hein | BEPress
Following the Money in Health Care Fraud: Reflections on a Modern-Day Yellow Brick Road, 36 AM. J.L. & MED. 343 (2010).
Westlaw | Lexis/Nexis | SSRN | Hein
United States v. Krizek: Rough Justice Under the Civil False Claims Act (with T. Greaney), in HEALTH LAW & BIOETHICS: CASES IN CONTEXT 187 (S. Johnson, J. Krause, R. Saver, R. Wilson, eds., Aspen Publishers 2009).
KF3821 .H4345 2009
HEALTH LAW AND BIOETHICS: CASES IN CONTEXT (R. Saver, J. Krause, S. Johnson & R. Fretwell Wilson eds.) (Aspen Pub., 2009).
KF3821 .H4345 2009
In the Media
- Doing No Harm (The Marshall Project)
- Krause comments on red flags in Modern Vascular investigation (Searchlight New Mexico)
- Beth Posner and Joan Krause reflect on the impact of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (The Well)
- No Reason to Scrap 'Obamacare's' Anti-Fraud Provisions, Says Krause (AP News)
- Krause and Saver Speak about 21st Century Cures Act at American Journal of Law & Medicine Symposium (Boston University School of Law)