Joseph John Kalo
Graham Kenan Professor of Law Emeritus
- J.D. (magna cum laude), University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (1968)
- B.A. (honors), Michigan State University (1966)
Selected Publications
Wind Over North Carolina Waters: The State's Preparedness to Address Offshore and Coastal Water-Based Wind Energy Projects (with L. Schiavinato), 87 N.C. L. REV. 1819 (2009).
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Do Publicly Funded Beach Nourishment Projects Deprive Oceanfront Property Owners of Private Property Rights Without Just Compensation?, LEGAL TIDES (Fall 2009).
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"Dockominiums: Exclusive Rights to Public Trust Waters and Lands?" LEGAL TIDES (Summer/Spring 2007).
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North Carolina Oceanfront Property and Public Waters and Beaches: The Rights of Littoral Owners in the Twenty-First Century, 83 N.C. L. REV. 1427 (2006).
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KF5627.A7 C63 2002
"Now Open For Development?": The Present State of Regulation of Activities in North Carolina Wetlands, 79 N.C. L. REV. 1667 (2001).
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Putting the Cartway Before the House: Statutory Easements by Necessity, or Cartways, in North Carolina (with M. Kalo), 75 N.C. L. REV. 1943 (1997).
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"Redefining Ownership of Estuarine Marshlands: "Gwathmey v. State of North Carolina", LEGAL TIDES (1996).
Charting A New Course In Coastal Management: Sailing Into Ocean Waters, LEGAL TIDES (with W. Clark) (Fall/Winter 1993).
The Battle to Preserve North Carolina Estuarine Marshes: The 1985 Legislation, Private Claims To Estuarine Marshes, Denial of Permits to Fill and The Public Trust, 64 N.C. L. REV. 565 (1986) (with M. Kalo).
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