Michael L. Corrado
Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
Areas of Expertise
- Comparative and Foreign Law
- Criminal Justice Policy
- Criminal Law
- Jurisprudence
- Philosophy and the Law
Michael L. Corrado is the Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus. He joined the UNC-Chapel Hill law faculty in 1988, where he taught torts, criminal law, comparative law and philosophy of law. He is former editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary journal Law and Philosophy, former co-director of the annual North Carolina Workshop on Law and Philosophy, former director of the North Carolina Conference on Comparative Criminal Law, and former editor of the Carolina Academic Press series of books on comparative law. During law school, Corrado served as articles editor of the University of Chicago Law Review. After graduation he clerked on the Seventh Circuit and then practiced law in Chicago for three years. Before law school, Corrado was Russian linguist for the Army Security Agency (1961-1964) and a tenured professor of philosophy at Ohio University (1970-1981). His doctoral dissertation at Brown University was on quantified modal logic. He spent the academic year 1978-79 at the University of Michigan on an NEH postdoctoral fellowship. Though retired, Corrado continues to research and write on topics related to criminal responsibility, including retribution, the insanity defense, and psychopathy.
- J.D. (honors), University of Chicago (1984)
- Ph.D., Brown University (1970)
- A.M., Brown University (1968)
- B.S., Pennsylvania State University (1966)
- B.A., Pennsylvania State University (1965)
Selected Publications
The Limits of the State’s Power to Control Crime, J. LEGAL PHIL. (forthcoming).
The Takings Doctrine and the Principle of Legality, in THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF THE PHILOSOPHY & SCIENCE OF PUNISHMENT (F. Focquaert, E. Shaw and B. Waller eds.) (Routledge, forthcoming 2020).
Doing Without Desert, in FREE WILL AND THE LAW: NEW PERSPECTIVES (A. McCay & M. Sevel eds.) (Routledge, 2019).
Free Will Fallibilism and the 'Two Standpoints' Account of Freedom, SYNTHESE (forthcoming).
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Kahler v. Kansas: Insanity and the Historical Understanding of Mens Rea, 32 NAT'L L. SCH. of INDIA at BANGLORE REV. 1 (2020).
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Criminal Quarantine and the Burden of Proof, PHILOSOPHIA (Sept. 2018).
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Fichte and the Psychopath: Criminal Justice Turned Upside Down, in FREE WILL SKEPTICISM IN LAW AND SOCIETY (E. Shaw, D. Pereboom and G. Caruso, eds.) (Cambridge Univ. Press) (forthcoming).
Free Will, Punishment, and the Burden of Proof, CRIM. JUST. ETHICS (April 2018).
Document Link
Insanity and Free Will: The Humanitarian Argument for Abolition, in THE INSANITY DEFENSE: MULTIDISCIPLINARY VIEWS ON ITS HISTORY, TRENDS, AND CONTROVERSIES (M. D. White, eds.) (Praeger, 2017).
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Moral Responsibility and Intentional Action: Sehon on Freedom and Purpose, 36 CRIM JUST. ETHICS 246 (reviewing Scott Sehon, FREE WILL AND ACTION EXPLANATION: A NON-CASUAL, COMPATIBILIST ACCOUNT (Oxford University Press 2016)).